North Penn COVID-19 FAQs for Families
The guidance below is based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Montgomery County Office of Public Health, and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).
What do I do if my student tests positive for COVID-19?
Please notify your student's attendance office if they test positive for COVID-19, along with the date that symptoms began and the date they will be returning to school. It is recommended that students who test positive for COVID-19 stay at home for 5 days. The day that symptoms began is considered Day 0 and students may return to school on Day 6, as long as their symptoms are improving and they have been fever-free for 24 hours without medication. Students should wear a mask through Day 10. A negative test is not required for students to return to school.
Example: Symptoms began on 9/2. Day 0=9/2, Day 6 (return to school)=9/8, Day 10 (last day with a mask=9/12
See the CDC's Isolation and Exposure Calculator, a tool to help you determine if you need to isolate or take other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
What if the positive student has family members attending our schools?
Family members may continue attending school and participating in activities, regardless of vaccination status if they are COVID-19 free, but they should wear a mask and monitor themselves for symptoms. If symptoms develop, they should be tested for COVID-19.
Is contact tracing being done this year?
No, there will be no contact tracing or tracking of positive students this school year.
What if a student is identified as a close contact?
It is recommended that this student wears a mask for 10 days after exposure and monitors for symptoms. If symptoms develop, the student should be tested for COVID-19.
See the CDC's Isolation and Exposure Calculator, a tool to help you determine if you need to isolate or take other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Can a student learn virtually if home with COVID?
There will be no live-streaming or virtual learning offered this year. Students who are isolating at home should check their Canvas pages for any work that is posted by teachers. Elementary families may reach out to the school office and request any work for their child to complete during the isolation period. Students are encouraged to complete assignments if they are feeling well enough, but they will be offered time to make up any missed work once they return to school.
What is a mask sprint?
A mask sprint will be encouraged when 10 percent of the individuals in a classroom test positive for COVID-19. It will be recommended that individuals in the environment (classroom) wear a mask for five days following the identification of an outbreak. This strategy is to support continued in-person learning.