NP OotM Frequently Asked Questions
Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving program for students of all ages. Teams of students select a problem, create a solution and present their solution in a tournament. There are many nuances of the program but here are some of the basics of participation:
- Kids work in teams of up to seven members under the guidance of an adult coach.
- Teams are organized by divisions (grades); Primary (K-2), Div 1 (3-5), Div 2 (6-8) and Div 3 (9-12).
- Teams choose a Long-Term Problem and spend months, at their own pace, creating a solution.
- Teams work within the requirements and cost limit stated in the problem they choose.
- Team members generate all the ideas for their solution and do all the work themselves.
- Coaches facilitate the team but are encouraged to offer no "Outside Assistance"
- Teams work to create a solution that meet the specific requirements of the problem
- Teams are scored according to how well their solution meets the requirements.
- Teams are also scored for how well they incorporate "Style" into their problem solution.
- Teams practice solving Spontaneous Problems while working on their Long-term.
- On the day of competition, teams present their Long-Term solution; the time limit is 8 minutes.
- On the day of competition, five members of the team also participate in a Spontaneous Problem.
- Teams receive a combined score for Long-Term, Style and Spontaneous.
- Teams that place first or second at the Regional competition advance to the State competition.
- Teams that place first or second at the State competition advance to the World competition.
OotM on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey_of_the_Mind